I started in obedience and agility
with my first Afghan Jezzabelle
who hated any and all parts of
the sports.  I soon decided to get
a companion for her and try 
my luck with another Afghan.
Through the internet I talked
with Amy Roush and soon Seri
(Belle Ami's Athaliah) came
home to Central Illinois.

She was a willing partner although not always an enthusastic
one but we accomplished much together.  She earned her CGC
and became the "test" dog for many future classes.  She entertained
at nursing homes and schools-fasinating all with her flowing hair
and regal stare!  We managed at the age of 7 to earn our Novice
agility Jumpers title and also she earned her Junior Courser title.
While not her favorite sport she earned her Rally Obedience
titles through Excellent and we had 2 legs on our CD title
until her sudden and unexpected death in 2010.


Seri was my hard working dog and my best friend and
I miss her every day!  But she leaves her spirit in
Shorty and now Bettie Mae!

Dr. Cheryl Helsing