The staff :) at AfghansONLINE is thrilled to bring this great online magazine
to Afghan Hound fanciers. After 9 years Online, we strongly feel that there is a
market for print and internet dog magazines.
Many people in the Afghan Hound Community don't advertise their dogs'
accomplishments in print for a number of reasons.  The major complaint seems
to be outdated information. Often, by the time a breed magazine arrives, the
information is outdated;  litters are several months old, class dogs have received
several points or become champions, and Specials may have won important shows.
Another reason people hesitate to advertise is money.  Black and white print ads
approach $200, while full-color ads can be several hundred dollars for a single page.
 We offer quality, full-color advertising at incredible rates.

     Many Afghan Hound breeders have developed their own websites.  This is great,
but there are so many, at hundreds of different web addresses, that it's hard to locate
and visit them all. We feel our ONE address is the answer.  When you advertise with us,
we will link to your website!  AfghansONLINE is the perfect complement to your print
magazines and personal webpages. The glossy magazines are unrivaled for posterity,
our magazine offers SPEED to market!!!!!!!!
If your dog wins the National Specialty, the world will have a chance to see your ad
within days(sometimes hours)......not months!

    People advertise their dogs for several reasons.  Some are so proud of their dogs, they
want the world to know about it.  Many advertise with hopes that AKC judges will see
the ad. Some folks want to announce an exciting breeding, others advertise obedience
and lure coursing accomplishments.  We  advertise in catalogs, at dog shows, specialties
and are listed on all the major search engines and index services (Yahoo, Google, etc).

    We feature artwork and products, many of which are uniquely "Afghan".   We hope the
Afghan Hound fancy will continue to utilize and appreciate this service!!!

Jen Erickson...publisher, editor, secretary, webmaster (the "We" of this note :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!