
(SUCH, DKCH Alphaville´s Made It Meezelf x NrCh Alphaville´s Transvision Vamp)
Eyes Checked Clear,HD-A (excellent) Thyroid - Normal



(SBIS,GrCH Raffica´s Valymir Sweet Victory x AmCh Raffica´s Takes My Breath Away)
Eyes Checked Clear,HD-A (excellent)

The dam already has one litter on the ground,  under
15 months of age are BOB, BOS, CC and Group 2 winners.

Puppies Born 17.March 2012

Pictured at 9 weeks

Enigma Dreams Winter Passing
Owner: Breeder

Enigma Dreams Walking On The Sky
Owner: Andrea Eliasdottir & Nick Bourne, UK

Enigma Dreams Wolves In T ´Snow
On Hold


Enigma Dreams Wings InThe Dark
- Available - 


Interested? Feel free to contact,