Becket burst on the scene at six months, going Winners
Dog three times, Best of Winners, and Best of Breed 
over six specials in his first weekend debut.

His stellar show career has included a Puppy Group 1st,
winning four broken majors, a 4 point major in 
Jacksonville, and a grand finish at the 
AHALI Specialty.

Becket is the sixth of his fabulous Ben x Brit litter to
finish his Championship by twelve months of age.

View Pedigree

Thanks to the following judges who have recognized Becket's star quality:

Dr. Daniel Dowling Ms. Judy A. Harrington
Ms. Nancy Bodine Mrs. Loraine Boutwell
Mrs. Phyllis M. Wolfish Mr. Skip Herendeen
Mr. Desmond J. Murphy Mr. Kent H. Delaney
Mr. W. Everett Dean, Jr. Mr. James R. White
Mr. Robert Paust Ms. Carol Stolz-Blancato
Mrs. Susan M. Carr Mr. Joseph Inguaggiato


Special thanks to Karen for her expert handling, and
for placing this heartthrob in my home.

See you all at the National.
Until then, it's a wrap!

Breeder: Karen Wagner
Owners: Ellen Klosson and Karen Wagner

