Wild dreams are always fun, but when those
dreams become reality, it sure feels like
having a double thrill!


Cash has indeed, enabled us to cash in on our dreams, he finished
his title in a very short time and promptly joined his brother Flash
and 3/4 brother Dante, to become our third home-bred SBIS and
Group 1 winner, we are anxiously awaiting for his first breedings.

Cash is pictured taking Group 1 under Mr. Russell McFaden.


At this time we also want to announce the latest litters by
multi champion producing SBIS. Ch. Andros D'art of Performance,
out of these gorgeous ladies:

Ch. Sandscript's Ancient Whisper JC

Ch. Andros Karmen


There are some very exciting puppies available from these
2 litters for both, show and pet homes.

By Echo: 
  By Karmen:

For more information contact:

Echo's litter:
Sharon White
Karmen's litter:
David Osuna

We also want to congratulate M. Grez, M. Llorens and
A. Liendo from Venezuela for the spectacular three
back to back Group 1 wins, on their Andros Patriot Games,
his first weekend of shows in that country.

Join the family, make your dreams come true too!

Andros Afghans
David Osuna & Henry Roman
P.O. Box 800392
Houston, TX 77280