CH CharterOak Dark Moon


CH CharterOak Jacarilla   X   CH CharterOak Azerbjain Moon
“Miss Abbygale” 

Our sincere thanks to the following
Judges  on Abbygale’s wins:

Midwest  Specialty BOS Chris Kaiser
GPAHC Specialty BOS David Cochrane
GPAHC Specialty BOS Patricia Franklin
Mountaineer  KC BOB Paula Nykiel
Erie  KC BOS Timothy Catterson
New Castle  KC BOS Edna Martin
Medina KC BOS Monica  Canestrani


Abbygale   has been in the
"specials" ring since the End of May.
She continues to bring us much joy. 
Our sincere thanks to Shelly and Gene
Vaccaro, her breeders, and her
handler Mikael  Matteson.


William J. Mines
Spirit Ridge Afghans
Gene & Michelle Vaccaro
CharterOak  Afghans