Multiple Specialty BISWP, MSBOSWP, Muliple Specialty and
All Breed Best Puppy, Multiple Puppy Hound Grp 1 and Best Puppy in Show
Sire Canadian Ch Polo's Sonic Boom at Deloubelle
(son of 2003 NSBIS, MSBIS and MBIS winner Am, Can Ch Polo's In The Air Tonite)
Dam Number 1 Afghan Hound Bitch 2004, 2004 NSBIS winner, MSBIS,
MGR winning, Am Can Ch Maya's Teh-OO-Seh of Simoon.


With the exception of his finishing points, Chip, was shown exclusively 
at Specialty and Specialty supported entries. He took his first major at 6 
months at his first show and was shown by his Handler, Teri Tevlin, for
most of his campaign. He finished his championship at 10 months
from the puppy class. 


We wish to thank his other handlers; 
Lorianne Amadeo and Philip Schafmayer for their support.